Tuesday, November 13, 2012

String Quilts!

We're starting a new project this month! Inspired by this string quilt from Film In The Fridge, we'll be making this scrappy foundation pieced quilt during our meetings for the next few months. 

Luckily, Adrianne has offered to teach us since she's made many of these quilts before for charity. In the version we're making, your foundation is actually the muslin that will be the skinny white strip that creates the X. You could also use any other solid for your foundation/center strip. Here's everything you'll need for your quilt. 

Supply list for X's and O's quilt
1.  Muslin- amount will depend on how large and what size blocks you want to use.  Bring at least seven squares of muslin. Cut muslin in whatever size block you want to make.  The quilt in the shop used blocks cut at 7 1/2" square.  The twin quilt in the store used 117 blocks.
2.  Scraps-  any and all kinds and types of scraps you have.  Can be pre-cut into strips ranging from 1" to 3".  The more variety in fabric and widths the better!
3.  Pencil
4.  Cutting mat/ Ironing pad-  I use the June Taylor quilter's cut 'n Press.  It is a cutting mat on one side and an ironing pad on the other.  You will want something that you can use right next to your sewing machine.
5.  12 1/2"  square ruler-  or larger if you are making larger blocks.
6.  small iron-  I use a Clover mini iron. You want this to be next to your sewing machine.
7.  rotary cutter
8.  Large Sissors
9.  Sewing machine- Of course!!!
10.  Extension cords
11.  Thread- and sewing supplies you usually need.

 See you Wednesday! If you are interested in joining, email jo@supposecreatedelight for more info about our guild, or if you're not local but want to make this quilt, you're in luck because Film In The Fridge has a tutorial for her version.